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DISC Online Assessments
Assessments are not just for coaches.
Professional Resume Writers understand the value of using DISC Communication Style and Behavioral Assessments.
Communication Style and Behavioral Strengths (DISC) Assessments dramatically reduce your client discovery process. More accurate information can be learned about your client's interpersonal skills in 15 minutes than may ever be learned otherwise.
An add-on for your client toolkit that will help your clients AND increase your income potential.
Many colleagues have experienced the benefit of Behavioral Profiles for resume writing and cover letter development. They realize it is an essential tool to allow a writer to write from the perspective of the client and to accurately and quickly glean soft skills.
Choose the industry leader - choose DISC assessments provided by ProfilingPro - and you will be demonstrating a unique and special kind of leadership in the area of assessing personal behavior that positions you among the best in the resume writing and career coaching industry.
OR, if you are ready to become an Authorized DISC Administrator...